Popular Switch emulator on Android shuts down after Nintendo lockdown

Popular Switch emulator on Android shuts down after Nintendo lockdown
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We all know that Nintendo is extremely protective of its properties and that it spares no effort to make those who infringe its copyrights pay for the damage they have caused. This mainly includes those that provide ways to consume pirated content, either through unlocking consoles or emulators.

While some emulators help us replay titles that are no longer available on current consoles, projects like Skyline allow players to emulate a Nintendo Switch on an Android device. Nintendo decided to end the party and issued a new injunction based on the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) to take the emulator off the air.

Skyline, an emulator that ran Nintendo Switch games on Android, is the latest to shut down. On the Skyline Discord server, the team announced that they would be halting development on the emulator after Nintendo filed a DMCA filing against the Lockpick RCM, which allowed Skyline to legally acquire Switch game keys. Nintendo claims that Lockpick violates their copyright, and the developers will no longer support Skyline as they want to avoid any legal ramifications of violating copyright laws.

Photo: reproduction

The Skyline team states that they believed what they were doing was cool and that the emulator itself is cool. They will also keep the repository active, albeit in a read-only format, while making parts of the source code widely available.

It’s unclear what prompted Nintendo to issue the DMCA request at this point, but it could be because of the release of the upcoming The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Nintendo’s most anticipated game of the year, which launches on Friday. fair and, due to its immense popularity, the Japanese company may want to ensure that everyone who wants to play it buys it legally (even if it was already leaked on the internet a few days ago).

Do you think Nintendo is right to ask that emulators be shut down?

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