Google Maps car runs over motorcyclist and images go viral on the internet

Google Maps car runs over motorcyclist and images go viral on the internet
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The images of an accident between a car from the Google Maps that captured records for Street View and a motorcycle went viral on social networks in recent days. The collision was photographed by the big tech vehicle’s camera and published on the platform.

The accident was recorded in 2021 on the N1 route, which is in the Tambacounda region of Senegal. In a note sent to the g1 portal, Google confirmed that the car involved in the collision was owned by the company and that it removed the registration from its map service.

The discovery of the accident

Crash footage captured by Google’s car went viral after a streamer from Spain “discovered” the crash by chance while streaming live on the Twitch platform last February 9.

At the time, the streamer was playing GeoGuessr, which takes participants through Google Maps to pinpoint exact positions provided at the start of each game session. That’s when he noticed a motorcycle being hit by Google’s car.

The sequence of images of the crash was quickly spread on Twitter by other people and won the world. There is no company logo on the vehicle. Content was removed from Google Maps days after appearing on live.

“When incidents occur, we work closely with local authorities to ensure that appropriate action is taken,” Google told g1.

The company did not comment on the health situation of the people involved in the accident, nor other details about the case. This isn’t the first time, and it shouldn’t be the last, that Google Maps cars record very unusual situations.

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