Honor of Kings: MOBA mobile announces opening of pre-registration in Brazil for Android and iOS

Honor of Kings: MOBA mobile announces opening of pre-registration in Brazil for Android and iOS
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This Wednesday (1st), the Level Infinite and TiMi Studio Group announced the opening of pre-registration for the mobile MOBA Honor of Kings in Europe, with potential in-game rewards for those who register early.

According to the developer, Europeian players already can pre-register for Honor of Kings through the game app available in the App Store, Google Play and Samsung Galaxy Store online stores to unlock the rewards.

As the established pre-registration goals are being reached, those who registered will receive Double Gold Card, Diamonds, Skin Fragment and more. Players can track progress on the Honor of Kings official website.

After the end of the Closed Beta rounds held last year in Europe, Mexico, Türkiye and Egypt, the first official full release of Honor of Kings outside China will happen in Europe soon, according to the developer.

Honor of Kings is a 5v5 mobile MOBA designed from the ground up to offer a good competitive mobile experience for all players. Europe will be the first country to have the full international release of the game outside of China.

Although new to Europe, Honor of Kings was originally created by TiMi Studio Group in 2015. At the official launch, Europeian gamers will have access to around 60 heroes with diverse styles and designs, each with their own unique abilities.

Finally, the company highlighted that the comments and suggestions received from fans during the Closed Beta are being taken into account in order to make various adjustments to improve the overall gaming experience.

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