Smart Cities – When can we say that a city is smart?


We have been talking about smart cities for many years, going to conferences on the subject, finding out about innovative solutions to make life easier for citizens… but even so, it is difficult to say if a city can be considered smart or not, since no clear variables have been defined for get a straight answer.

In order to help with the subject, I will give you some very recent information on the matter.

smart cities infographic

Let’s start from the infographic that Iberdrola recently published, an infographic that helps to have an idea of ​​everything that a city can have to be considered intelligent. Of all these points, I highlight the following:

Use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in cities

It is clear that if we do not have a computerized management system, we cannot talk about automation or intelligence, which is why it is the first point.

Smart solid waste management

Smart solid waste management in a smart city should include several key aspects, such as:

Automated picking and sorting: By using technologies such as sensors and cameras, waste collection and sorting could be automated to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

real time monitoring: Real-time monitoring systems allow local authorities and citizens to know the fill level of containers and schedule collection accordingly.

Composting and recycling: the smart city should encourage composting and recycling of waste to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

– Education and awareness: it is important to promote education and awareness about the importance of waste management so that citizens collaborate in the effort.

Integration with other smart solutions: waste management must be integrated with other smart solutions such as transport and water management to have a holistic approach in the smart city.

Building automation and control

Most of the buildings are built by private companies, but the city council has the power to request basic requirements within a smart city:

energy management systems: Through the use of technologies such as sensors, controllers and automation, the use of energy in buildings could be optimized, which could reduce energy consumption and operating costs.

Access control: Smart buildings should have access control systems that allow users to enter and exit safely, through the use of cards, facial recognition, fingerprints, among others.

Security: Smart buildings should include security systems, such as surveillance cameras and fire detection, to ensure the safety of the occupants.

climate control: Smart buildings should have climate control systems that allow adjusting the temperature and humidity based on the weather conditions and the needs of the users.

Integration with other smart solutions: building automation and control should be integrated with other smart solutions such as transportation, water management and waste management to have a holistic approach in the smart city.

Improved environmental sustainability

We are now talking about the environment, about creating a city thinking about the future, and not about the next 4 years that the mandate lasts. Smart cities are responsible towards nature, and for this they must take into account:

Renewable energy: City buildings and infrastructure should use renewable energy, such as solar, wind, and geothermal, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuel.

Sustainable transport: the smart city should encourage the use of sustainable transport, such as bicycles, electric vehicles and public transport, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality.

Efficiency in the use of water: systems must be implemented to measure the use of water and promote its efficient use, as well as the collection and reuse of rainwater.

urban agriculture: Urban agriculture and gardening should be encouraged in buildings and green areas, to improve air quality and provide fresh food.

Of course there also has to be awareness and education, as it is necessary to promote awareness and education about the importance of environmental sustainability and how each individual can contribute to improving it.

efficient urban planning

If the city is growing, it must grow intelligently. Few cities did so at the time, but there are clear examples, such as Brasilia, or the Eixample in Barcelona, ​​which shows orderly urban planning.

Compact and accessible design: the smart city should be designed in a compact way, with a wide variety of housing and services accessible on foot or by public transport, to reduce the need to travel in private vehicles and improve the quality of life of citizens.

Multiple use of public spaces: public spaces should be designed that are flexible and can be used for a variety of activities, such as gardens, parks, squares and meeting places.

transport integration: Urban planning should integrate public, pedestrian and bicycle transport to reduce the need to travel in private vehicles and improve accessibility.

Efficient land use: urban planning should encourage efficient land use, avoiding waste of resources and fragmentation of the territory, and promoting the conservation of natural ecosystems and biodiversity.

Citizen participation: urban planning should be an open and transparent process that involves citizens in decision-making and allows them to express their needs and wishes. There are apps that help with the issue, such as those that allow you to park quickly, those that help you report irregularities or those that request public services in specific areas.

Shared data: open data

Finally, I highlight the importance of having shared data. Data needs to be easily accessible and understandable to citizens, local authorities and researchers. Data must be efficiently exchanged between different systems and organizations to maximize its value, and security measures must be implemented to protect shared data from potential cyber threats.

On the other hand, reports and statistics on the use of shared data must be provided to ensure transparency, since they must be used to drive research and development of new solutions to improve the quality of life in the city.

As you can see, it is not an easy task, but it is necessary in order to make this world a better place for everyone.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.