Hootsuite Launches OwlyWriter AI: The AI ​​Tool for Creating Social Media Content


Hootsuite, the world’s leading social media management company, has launched its latest content creation tool, OwlyWriter AI, an Artificial Intelligence platform that will help its clients overcome creative block on social media. The platform has been designed to offer marketers the opportunity to automate content creation tasks, save time and increase the efficiency of workflows.

Social networks are a key tool in the marketing strategy of any company. However, creating quality, engaging content can be a challenge for many marketers. Many of them face the dreaded creative block, which prevents them from coming up with fresh and new ideas for their social media posts.

OwlyWriter AI: Hootsuite’s solution

hootsuite ai

With OwlyWriter AI, Hootsuite has developed an intuitive tool that allows you to generate, step by step and with very little information, ideas for posts and captions adapted to social networks. This Artificial Intelligence platform offers social marketers the opportunity to simplify writing processes, spark innovation and inspiration, save time, and increase workflow efficiency.

The platform is based on GPT technology and instruction engineering to help simplify content creation for its clients, eliminating the feeling of being faced with a blank canvas. To unleash creativity on social media, this AI-powered tool will help inspire social content ideas, generate new formula-based copy, turn web content into social posts, and rewrite top-performing posts with a few simple instructions.

Five Ways OwlyWriter AI Can Help Generate Social Media Content

  • Reuse top performing posts: OwlyWriter AI helps rewrite content proven to drive engagement and reach to recreate the magic without duplicating content.
  • Write new captions– Instantly turns responses into captions that can be adapted for social media, or inspired by unique writing styles like HOOK (Headline, Offer, Single Angle, Kicker), AMP (Attention, Marketing Positioning, Test) , WIIFM (What’s in it for me) or AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action).
  • Get content inspiration and get going: Users can feed off simple prompts to generate content ideas and post options to go with them.
  • Produces current publications– If OwlyWriter AI provides a link to web content, such as a recent blog post or thought-provoking article, the content of that web page can be easily generated and converted into a social post.
  • Drive audience engagement through key dates: OwlyWriter AI can generate relevant celebratory content ideas and in turn increase timely engagement on social media. Automation has become a key trend in digital marketing in recent years. Automation allows marketers to save time and increase the efficiency of their workflows. Furthermore, automation can help generate quality and personalized content for different platforms, which can improve the user experience and increase engagement.

OwlyWriter AI is an example of how automation can help marketers generate quality content for social media. The platform uses Artificial Intelligence technology to automate the content creation process, allowing marketers to focus on other important tasks.

The future of OwlyWriter AI

Hootsuite has released OwlyWriter AI as an open beta to its customers for free, for a limited time, to gather useful insights that will serve as the foundation for continued OwlyWriter AI innovation. Customer feedback will help deliver more tailored enhancements to the content tool as Hootsuite works to integrate OwlyWriter AI throughout its product experience and content creation workflows for customers.

The future of OwlyWriter AI is bright. The platform can be a valuable tool for marketers looking to automate their social media content creation processes. Integrating OwlyWriter AI into Hootsuite product experience and workflows can improve the efficiency and quality of work for marketers and help businesses achieve their marketing goals.

On the other hand, it is clear that we cannot overdo it, since automating everything implies eliminating the human variable… we even forget to type.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.