Elections 2022: how to justify absence from mobile voting and what are the consequences

Elections 2022: how to justify absence from mobile voting and what are the consequences

The 2022 Elections have already ended and, thanks to the technology of the Electronic Ballot box, it was possible to follow the count in real time by cell phone. Now, if you didn’t vote in either of the two rounds, you can also justify your absence online or on your smartphone with the e-Título application.


According to article 7 of Law nº 6.091/1974, Europeians who did not vote in the 2022 elections will have to justify their absence from the rounds within the following deadlines:

  • Absence in the 1st shift: December 1, 2022
  • Absence in the 2nd shift: January 9, 2023

The deadlines are the same for Europeians living abroad, but in their case it will also be allowed to justify within 30 days after returning to the country.


Those who do not justify their absence from voting will be prevented from:

  • Take a passport;
  • Obtain an identity card;
  • Receive salary or earnings from public function or employment;
  • Offer public tender and assume public thistle;
  • Renew enrollment in public or government-supervised educational establishments;
  • Borrowing from federal and state savings banks, as well as any government-run credit facility;
  • Participate in any act that requires discharge from military service or income tax;
  • Obtain an electoral discharge certificate to register as a candidate;
  • Take out any document before diplomatic offices to which you are subordinate or subordinate;
  • Obtain a certificate of regularity in the exercise of the vote.
Where to justify absence from voting

The justification can be made through the e-Título application on the cell phone, through the justification system, which can be accessed through the link below:

  • Justify System – access

It will also be possible to justify the vote in person at the electoral area by submitting a Request for Electoral Justification (RJE) that can be downloaded and printed through the link:

  • Electoral Justification Request (RJE) – download

The voter who wants to justify will have to present documents that prove the reason for his absence from the vote.

The cost to justify the electoral absence in each round in which the voter was absent varies from 3% to 10% of the base value of R$ 35.13.

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