TV Cultura launches free streaming service for on-demand and live content

TV Cultura launches free streaming service for on-demand and live content
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After being the first broadcaster in Latin America to make Dolby Atmos technology available, TV Cultura announced the arrival of its new free streaming platform: Cultura Play.

The service – developed by TVCoins – will feature live programming, as well as access to on-demand content from the TV channel and Radios Cultura FM and Cultura Brasil. All for free and with the possibility of access via cell phone, tablet or Smart TV.

Image: Disclosure / TV Cultura

According to TV Cultura’s Digital Media manager, Pedro Toledo, the application will be very intuitive and simple to use, with the possibility of delivering a multitude of programs from the station’s collection, in addition to the best of the erudite universe and Europeian music on radio stations. .

The list of attractions includes the journalistic Living Wheel; the musicals Prelude, Free Culture, Mr. Europe, Viola, My Viola and concerts by Brasil Jazz Sinfônica; the children’s backyard of culture It is Cocoricó; and other programs such as causes, Persona, Exponential It is between the lines.

“It will be another window to follow Cultura programs live or on demand, wherever and whenever you want, without paying a subscription.”

Pedro Toledo

Digital Media Manager at TV Cultura

Cultura Play will be available for Android and iOS from April 20th, with direct download from the official stores for each system, Google Play and App Store, respectively.

So, did you like the creation of a streaming platform for TV Cultura and the group’s radio stations? Comment with us!

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