Instance Switcher, this is how Google takes multitasking to a new level in Chrome for Android


Google is going to release a new update for its Chrome browser, and this is one that is very worth knowing and using. With it, one of the key elements that the company wants to improve in its Android operating system evolves in a very important way. We tell you what you are going to get when you install the new version of the application. The advance has its own name, which is none other than Instance Switcher. And what comes to improve in Chrome, apart from the usual bug fixes and performance optimization, is everything that has to do with multitasking. Therefore, it will be much more efficient to use the Google browser on devices with the Android operating system, be it a smartphone or a tablet (regardless of the number of tabs or windows running). A clear improvement in productivity with Chrome The reason for saying this is very clear when knowing what favors the new improvement that comes to the development of Google: you can have different sections of tasks running, such as Personal or Work, and within of each of them different tabs. Therefore, it is possible to group what is for each function, which makes the use of Chrome much more effective both in the personal and professional spheres. In short, overlaps are avoided. The truth is that this advance may seem as if two versions of the browser are being used at the same time on the same device, since different uses can be differentiated. And, on computers that have large panels, the functionality will be excellent as long as there is the possibility of using the split screen function (it is increasingly common on Android). You can even watch YouTube videos, on the one hand, and have the work website open, on the other. The utility is undeniable. One of the things that is important to mention is that this feature resembles one that you already have in Safari for Apple mobile devices. Therefore, it is not an innovation per se, but it is a good addition to make Chrome much more useful when using it on a day-to-day basis. When can this novelty arrive Well, if everything goes as it should, it is normal that in just a few weeks you will have the new Instance Switcher update for Chrome to be activated. And, therefore, significantly improve the use of this development in what has to do with multitasking. >

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.