The Last of Us: Google adds fun reference to the franchise; see how to activate it

 The Last of Us: Google adds fun reference to the franchise;  see how to activate it
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After being a smash hit in video games, The Last of Us is now taking over homes around the world through its live-action series on HBO. Even with just a few episodes on the air, the series is already proving to be a success and many are eager to find out what will happen along Joel and Ellie’s journey.

To celebrate the success of the series, Google added a fun reference to the franchise on the search page about The Last of Us.

Those who Google the phrase The Last of Us series – the word series is required to clarify to Google that you are not looking for information about the game – to trigger the easter egg on both desktop, iOS and Android devices and any browser .

When viewing the search result, you will immediately notice the red mushroom icon at the bottom of the screen. As soon as you click on it, the icon displays two other icons, one to go back to the search and another to share the surprise, in addition to the animation of the Cordyceps fungi, responsible for turning humans into monsters, taking root on the screen.

Photo: reproduction

Although simple, this is a great way to engage users, who are surely looking for more information about the series, especially considering that, despite being very faithful to the games, the narrative is bringing some fantastic changes, including the origin of the pandemic and the first infected.

Are you watching The Last of Us? What are you thinking?

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