How to Hide a Comment on a Facebook Post You Don’t Like


On more than one occasion, an unwanted comment appears in a Facebook post that does not fit at all with what is being commented (and can even be offensive or create controversy). If you don’t know how to remove it, we’ll show you the steps you have to take to get it. One of the ways to do this is to hide what you don’t like, something that is less aggressive than turning off comments because the latter eliminates the possibility for different people to express their opinion and start what could be an interesting conversation. . It is important that you know that when you hide a comment, only the creator and those who are friends with it will be able to see it, the rest will not do this, so it will avoid possible problems. So you can hide a message on Facebook What you have to do to achieve what we have indicated is to take the steps that we are going to list after this paragraph. They are easy to give, and all you need to have is the Facebook app installed on your device (whether it’s a phone or a tablet). Obviously, there is no danger when you hide a reply, neither in your account nor in the publication that you manage. Open the Facebook app as usual and, if necessary, enter your credentials to access your account. Now, you should find the post where the comment you want to hide is on. It can be of all kinds and, as is logical to think, you can carry out the actions to hide as many times as you consider appropriate. The next thing is that you press continuously on the chosen comment and, then, a menu appears in which you will find an option called Hide comment. It is the one you must use to achieve the desired effect. By doing this, you have finished and achieved the objective. As you can see, everything is very simple. Make a hidden comment visible If for some reason you want a comment to be visible again, what you have to do is practically the same. That is, you follow the same steps, but when you long-press on the post, there is an option called Show Comment. You will see how you can choose between those that are not seen so that, when you finish, what you published is visible to everyone. The truth is that Facebook can not make things simpler in this case. And this is something that, obviously, is greatly appreciated. >

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.