Wireless charging on iPhone, dangerous for the battery?


One of the characteristics of Apple and its products is that they are always committed to innovation and the use of new technologies in all the smartphones, computers and tablets that they launch each year on the market.

For several years, the latest iPhone models have had the option of wireless charging, which allows us to charge the phone’s battery without using a cable and a power adapter.

However, many iPhone users are unaware of this new feature, the technology that enables this new charging method, and whether or not it is safe for their phone.

What is the wireless charging option?

Having our smartphone always with a battery is an increasingly important necessity in our day to day, as the use of the telephone in different areas is part of our routine.

However, always carrying the charger or finding an available socket that allows us to maneuver while charging it is not always within our reach. the option of iPhone wireless charging You can make this task easier.

To use the other alternative, it is necessary to have a wireless charging base (something increasingly expanded and available in restaurants, hotels and many more places), which generates an electromagnetic field that captures the iPhone for charging.

Charge cycles, the key to monitoring battery health.

Once this technology to charge our iPhone is known, it is worth asking, is it safe? The short answer is that there is no evidence that wireless charging harms the iPhone battery. Apple has designed its devices so that wireless charging does not harm the battery in the long term. In addition, iPhone software is also designed to manage battery charge and prevent overcharging.

The health of the battery does not depend on the charger that we use, but on the charging cycles that are consumed in the iPhone. And what is a charging cycle? It is the process by which a spent battery is charged to its maximum capacity.

For example, if we charge the battery when it is at 40% of its capacity, we will not have consumed a complete charging cycle, but rather said cycle would be spent when we charge the rest to reach 100%.

The problem with wireless charging is that it affects the charging cycles, which means that even if it is a safe technology in the long term, it influences the state of the phone.

Tips to take care of the battery of your iPhone.

Taking care of our phone will allow us to use it with optimal performance for a longer time, so it is essential to know how to protect the battery.

Is there a way to take care of the battery? Yes, with these tips:

  1. Avoid humidity, trying not to have our phone in the bathroom or kitchen to avoid damaging the battery.
  2. Control the temperature of the phone, since excessive heat can increase energy consumption and reduce its autonomy.
  3. Remove the case when charging the phone. Depending on the type of case we use, the temperature of the iPhone can increase during charging, harming the battery.
  4. Avoid excessive battery consumption, for example by adapting the brightness of the screen to the ambient light at that moment or by disconnecting Wi-Fi or Bluetooth when they are not being used.
  5. Update the iPhone to the latest version of iOS, to correct any performance failure that may affect the battery and its care.

In short, with small gestures we can take care of the iPhone’s battery, and wireless charging is a safe technology that can help us on certain occasions.