Twitter will let you choose who can mention you

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Twitter will allow users to configure if the rest of the tweeters can mention them in their tweetssetting three permission levels.

Twitter adds more tools for users to decide who they want to interact with

With options such as “always”, “sometimes” and “never”, Twitter will have a series of controls that will limit the current almost unlimited access to any user by simply mentioning their username in a tweet.

The counterpart and, basically, the main reason for adding this feature, is to prevent harassment, bullying or campaigns by which selective attacks are directed against certain users.

Basically, it is about providing the tweeter with a tool that allows him to have some control over who can interact with itand for this, three levels will be established in the mentions configuration:

-Any you can mention the user (Twitter’s default mode of operation).

-Limit the mentions only to those who already follow the user.

-Deactivate completely the possibility that other tweeters can mention the user.

These possibilities are shown in a tweet shared by the researcher Jane Manchun Wong, who, analyzing the code of the Twitter app through reverse engineering, has discovered that the company is working to offer these three new levels of security:

The development of the function has been confirmed by Dominic Camozzi, from Twitter’s Privacy Design department in a tweet (which he later deleted) in which he asked the user community to provide him with information about their position on this possibility.

This would not be the first time that Twitter allows you to narrow the list of people who can interact with your users after the incorporation in 2020 of a limitation to who could respond to a tweet (anyone, nobody, only the people mentioned or only the users who are followed).

Another initiative in this sense would be the Circles, a restricted community of users with whom to share tweets that would only be accessible to members of said closed group.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.