Twitter allows you to combine images, videos and GIFs in the same tweet

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Until now, Twitter only allowed to publish content in a homogeneous way, without mixing. Until now. Because you just added to your iOS and Android apps the ability to post images, animated GIFs and video in the same tweetso that they can be combined without much problem, being shown in the tweet itself in the form of a grid.

The three different types of content appear in the same tweet as a grid in which images, videos and GIFs can be included together

Already in April, and through reverse engineering, it was detected that Twitter was working on this possibility, but it was not until July that the platform itself confirmed that it actually had this new development underway.

The possibilities are expanded compared to the previous model in which the possibility of displaying content was limited of a different nature in the same tweet: either a video, or a GIF, or just images, in this case with a maximum limitation of four as a mini-gallery.

The way to include the different contents in the same tweet could not be simpler, because when composing a new tweet it is enough to click on the icon in the form of a photo camera to add the preferred multimedia contents, regardless of whether they are of a different nature.

Depending on how many there are, they will also be shown as a grid, but the appearance will vary according to each one of them due to their own format. The news has been confirmed by Twitter through its official account.

As for the maximum number of contents that are allowed, there are still four in total, but as usual, several tweets can always be linked in the form of a thread to accommodate more publications, and four elements can be included in each of them, no matter what. that is a combination of different content formats.

Despite all the movements and rumors surrounding the recently confirmed purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk, the platform continues to innovate and add features to its features.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.