The Radeon RX 7000 would be released in early December 2022, a month after their presentation


While we were expecting the Radeon RX 7000s for the end of November, we would finally have to wait another week to be able to get our hands on the new graphics cards from AMD. According to leaker Greymon55, the marketing will instead take place between December 1 and 5. The presentation is still scheduled for November 3.

amd radeon

The question of the official launch of the Radeon RX 7000 is definitely debated. For now, only one piece of information is certain: AMD will present its new generation of graphics cards on November 3. But initially it was announced that the marketing would take place towards the end of the year, namely the last two weeks of December.

The leaker Greymon55 had meanwhile been much more optimistic, since he assumed that the graphics cards would be available from November 27 instead. Then, still based on this date, the latter has just revealed on his Twitter account that the launch would have finally been “postponed” (difficult to call that a postponement as the official launch date is not yet known) of a week.

On the same subject — Radeon RX 7000: the arrival of Navi 3 GPUs engraved in 5 nm and 6 nm is confirmed

See you in early December for AMD’s Radeon RX 7000

Thus, Greymon55 expects the RX 7000s to be available for purchase between December 1 and 5. AMD will therefore leave a month of waiting between the presentation and the launch, which is ultimately not that long compared to what we have already seen in the past in the sector. As a reminder, Nvidia will market the RTX 4080 on November 16, while the announcement was made on September 20.

Related — Radeon RX 7000: AMD Says “Bigger Is Not Necessarily Best”

For its part, AMD is not to be outdone in this area. We remember in particular the launch of the RX 6900 XT on December 8, 2020, more than a month after its presentation on October 28 of the same year. Anyway, to this is added, as our colleagues from VideoCardz report, the confirmation of an RX 7900 XTX model, which will be equipped with a monstrous 24 GB VRAM.

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Mubashir Hassan
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