The best tricks for «Castlevania: Symphony of the Night»

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castlevania symphony.webp.webp.webp

the saga of action, exploration and platforms Castlevania has numerous very popular titles. On Android devices, the arrival of the acclaimed Castlevania: Symphony of the Night has allowed a new generation of players to approach Konami’s vampire world and the best adventure and mystery games.

Explore a world of vampires, magic and incredible combat with the Castlevania saga.

The final levels and scenarios of the game are complex, which is why having cheats for Castlevania: Symphony of the Night in its Android version is key so that the player doesn’t get stuck at any time.

The adventure of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is packed with hard endings, mazes and secrets. The interdimensional castle of the king of vampires takes different forms, and the great work on level design, music and gameplay make it a first-rate title. It is a brilliant adaptation of the original game, which was released in 1997 for the Sega Saturn and PlayStation. It is not surprising, then, that it is currently among the best Android games.

The best tricks for Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on Android

To win the battles and have better results easily, follow these Castlevania: Symphony of the Night tricks on Android. Many are achieved in a simple way, and step by step you can repeat them from your mobile.

-Glitch for weapons and armor – Before meeting Death at the beginning of a room, drag the character out the door and immediately re-enter. The music will stop and you will have all your weapons and armor.

-More luck and Lapis Lazuli at the start of the game – To obtain 99 units of Luck (LCK) and Lapis Lazul you have to enter the code XX!V»Q in the name screen.

-More intelligence – you can also increase the intelligence of your character by entering this other code: XX!V” at the name screen.

-Listen to the soundtrack of the game – some Castlevania: Symphony of the Night tricks on Android are rather curiosities. For example, you can listen to the entire soundtrack of the game by visiting the Librarian. The new option will appear if you have won the game controlling Alucard 190% of the games and start a new game with him.

-Use Heaven Sword attack – The Heavenly Sword is one of the most powerful attacks in the game. To get it you have to eliminate the Hooded Knights. Two Heaven Swords are required, one in each hand, and simultaneously pressing both action buttons.

-Improve your starting stats – To start with better character stats, in the first confrontation against Dracula use the least amount of spells and items possible, in addition to achieving a reduced time and taking little damage. It’s a challenge, but worth it.

Here you can see more about this fast-paced game:

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.