Tag: capable


Xiaomi launches an advanced drone that is capable of… reading what you write!

There is no dispute that Xiaomi It has become one of the flashiest drone manufacturers out there for home users. Well, it...

An AI capable of solving crossword puzzles was able to beat the champions of the most important tournament in the world

Once again, the capabilities of artificial intelligence have been put to the test, with interesting results.Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley recently...

MyoSuite, Meta’s AI platform capable of developing more advanced prosthetics

Since its change to Meta, Mark Zuckerberg's company has been radical in the direction it has given to its operations, getting involved in ambitious...

Play Store: 200 Android applications hide malware capable of hacking your Facebook account

The Play Store is once again assailed by malware. Called FaceStealer, this spy virus seeks to hack the Facebook account of users of...

Scientists create nanobots capable of killing bacteria inside teeth with heat

In the human body, teeth are one of the elements that require the most attention in their care, due to the amount of bacteria...

A robot capable of building large infrastructures using 3D printing

Lowering costs, reducing loss margins and increasing the speed of construction of a large infrastructure could be possible thanks to 3D printing.An industrial robot...