Goodbye to Google Play Movies & TV on Android TV: so you can watch the movies and series you bought from this app

goodbye to google play movies & tv on android tv so you can watch the movies and series you bought from this app
goodbye to google play movies & tv on android tv so you can watch the movies and series you bought from this app

The technology giant gets rid of this brand to indicate the different ways to play the purchased movies or series.

Android TV continues to undergo all kinds of changes, but most have been related to new functions or aesthetic changes to the application to elevate its user experience . Now Google offers different ways to play the content that has been purchased from Google Play Movies & TV, a brand and app that will finally disappear next month.

The changes have been constant in relation to this content and Google has already moved Android and iOS users to the Google TV app , removed the app from all Smart TVs and even Roku, and in October of this year removed it from Android TV . Today’s news is precisely the final closure of an application and the different possibilities to continue enjoying the content that was purchased or rented.


Google has now given details about the ways in which users will be able to play series and movies purchased through Google Play Movies & TV; once the brand finally disappears in January. The technology giant clarifies that  from January 17, this purchased or rented content can be played from all these digital spaces:

  • If you have a television or streaming device with Android TV: from the purchase tab you can access the content.
  • On an Android TV box : it can be played or rented from the YouTube app.
  • And from a browser : YouTube, again, is the right place to enjoy content acquired from Google Play Movies & TV.

It is not the first time that Google has carried out such a maneuver with this app, since its content disappeared from the Google Play Store last year and it has even been recommending from the same application on Android TV that users use the purchase tab to access to this content.


The transition has been well measured so as not to generate any type of frustration , so in this case Google has known how to take the steps well until this end to definitively close an application and brand that has been present in different spaces for years now. The announcement was made from their support page .

This type of movement is not something strange according to The Verge , since Apple even gave its TV app a twist to access the special content of Apple TV Plus as well as buy and rent series and movies, everything. from the same app. One way to centralize and attract all users in a digital space like in this case has been Google Play Movies & TV, which we can now say goodbye to in just under a month.


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