Steve Jobs Archive, a free ebook on the life of the founder of Apple is coming soon


The Steve Jobs Archive is about to release a free ebook containing speeches, interviews and correspondence from the co-founder of Apple. The announcement was made directly on the archive’s website, which also revealed the title of the book: Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in his own words.

As stated by the site managers, this book will present Jobs’ point of view about his childhood, founding and being kicked out of Apple, his time with Pixar and NeXT, as well as the definitive return to the Cupertino company where it all started. This work will also include an introduction by Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Steve Jobs.

Make Something Wonderful marks the first major release from the archive since its announcement last September. While the website doesn’t share much other information, however, it’s possible that this book will be an expanded version of the current archive that includes some emails written by Jobs and some snippets of speeches and public appearances.

The ebook will be available for free on “digital platforms” starting April 11as stated on the book’s web page, but no further information on specific platforms was provided.

Steve Jobs was an iconic figure in the technology industry, one of the greatest innovators of our age. In addition to co-founding Apple with Steve Wozniak, contributing to the creation of the first personal computer, Jobs also co-founded NeXT and Pixar, the latter famed for creating the first fully computer animated films. After his return to Apple in 1997, the iPod, iPhone and iPad were launched under his leadership. Steve Jobs died on October 6, 2011.

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