Next week, Samsung will officially announce its new foldables, the Galaxy Z Fold4 and the Galaxy Z Flip4. Rumors from a couple of weeks ago suggested that the Flip4 could end up being more expensive than the Flip3, and now new leaks confirm this, or at least corroborate the claims. A tweet from @OnLeaks reveals that the Flip4 could end up priced at 1,109 euros. For context, the Flip 3 when it launched was priced at €1,049, which means the Flip 4 will be around €50 more expensive. These are all the prices:
- Galaxy Z Fold4 256GB: 1799 euros / 512GB: 1919 euros
- Galaxy Z Flip4 128GB: 1109 euros / 256GB: 1169 euros
- #Galaxy Watch5 40mm BT: €299 / 4G: €349
- #Galaxy Watch5 44mm BT: €329 / 4G: €379
- Galaxy Watch5 Pro 45mm BT: €469 / 4G: €499
As for the Fold 4, it looks like it will keep its price for the base model, but the 512GB model looks like it will be priced slightly higher.