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Problems with the control of the Fire TV Stick? So you can easily fix it

It is possible that the I send of the player fire tv stick I’m giving you problems: poor communication, reception failures and even that you cannot do anything with it when playing content. Well, one of the things you can do to solve it is to synchronize it again so that everything returns to normal. We tell you how to get it.

What we are telling you about does not happen constantly, but it can happen due to a degradation in the information that the player has regarding the controller… so everything does not always work as it should. And obviously it’s a complete nuisance. Luckily, being able to connect the accessory is something that can be done from scratch at any time and, in addition, it is usually the end of the problems that occur automatically. In this way, it is worth try.

Resynchronize the Fire TV Stick controller

The process we are talking about is extremely simple, and it will not take you more than a minute to complete it. The good thing is that things never get worse or you have some additional major bug when you do this, so security is complete. These are the steps to take for what you only need to have the control at hand and the player connected and running:

  • Continuously press the Start button on the remote control, the minimum is 10 seconds so that you are sure that the process starts correctly. To check that this is the case, you can see that at the top of the controller there is a flashing LED.
  • Wait a moment so that, on the TV screen, which you have to be in the player input and watching, therefore, its user interface will show a confirmation message. If it asks to press to run this, do it.
  • Now the LED blinks three times, but it is lit up with a blue color. If you see this, you can be sure that everything went well, and then Check that the problems have subsided.
  • You have finished.

If what happened to you does not go away, it may be that you have a physical problem in the Fire TV Stick remote control itself. In this case, and until you solve everything that may mean that you have to change the accessory, you can use the smartphone as remote control. To get it you have to download the app (available on iOS and Android). The synchronization is done as you run the app’s wizard and it works great because it has all the options you may need for playback.

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