Google Fonts beautifies the web. If you don’t want to get the fonts from Google servers, you can simply host them yourself – this also applies to variable fonts.
So it doesn’t always have to be Arial or Georgia, Google Fonts provides more than a thousand fonts for websites, logos, flyers and other projects. There are no costs: All fonts are open source and may also be used for commercial purposes. The fonts can be integrated quickly and easily into websites; a few lines of HTML and CSS are sufficient.
There’s just one problem: the font files are on Google servers, which not everyone likes. In addition, there has recently been trouble with warnings after the Munich Regional Court ruled that the Google fonts violate the personal rights of site visitors. A controversial decision that may be exaggerated. Annoying is mail from the lawyer in any case.
Fortunately, the web fonts can also be stored and integrated on your own server or web space. It’s not complicated – only the file format needs to be chosen wisely. It is also important to pay attention to the performance of the page: With variable fonts, there is a format that combines typographic flexibility and short loading times. The website looks really good thanks to beautiful web fonts and loads pleasantly quickly.