PayPal: Beware of these scammers who claim to have made a payment by mistake

paypal beware of these scammers who claim to have made a payment by mistake
paypal beware of these scammers who claim to have made a payment by mistake

Alerts launched by PayPal users have been increasing in recent weeks regarding a scam by which many of them have been trapped because it is so well imagined. The subterfuge consists of scammers paying a sum of money to their target using the platform. Then to have it reimbursed twice by carrying out a manipulation made possible by the PayPal regulations, explains the How it works platform , relayed by Le Parisien this Tuesday.

The victims who recounted their bad luck all described the same modus operandi chosen by the scammers . They contact their target with apologies and claiming to have made the money transfer by accident. They ask their interlocutor to return the amount unduly received. However, the criminals took care to make their payment using the “Payment for an item or service” configuration of the tool.

No going back

This is in fact accompanied by a refund possibility intended to protect buyers. The scammers, on the other hand, ask their victims to return the money given “by mistake” via the “Sending money between relatives” option. And for good reason. With the latter, any cancellation is impossible. In the end, scammers therefore have the possibility of being reimbursed twice, once via PayPal’s buyer protection and once directly by their target. While the latter has no way of recovering her money.

This is why it is recommended that PayPal users wishing to make a refund favor the “Payment for an item or service” function for greater security. Or use the “Issue a Refund” tool available for each transaction made


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