No prints! Twitter wants users to share post links instead of screenshots

 No prints!  Twitter wants users to share post links instead of screenshots
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Twitter started to suggest that users use links instead of screenshots to send a post to friends using other apps. As discovered by users on Friday (07), the social network starts to display a message that recommends sharing a tweet via your URL.

When “taking a screenshot” of a post on mobile, a popup appears that says “Share Tweet instead of screenshot?” and a button for “Copy link” which, when pressed, informs the user that the link has been “Copied to clipboard”.

(Image: Reproduction/

In some cases, the prompt is different and suggests using the “Share Tweet” function, which opens the mobile or tablet sharing options to send the link itself in messaging apps, smartphone notepad and other possibilities.

A spokesperson made a point of explaining the new Twitter tool to the TechCrunch:

Millions of tweets are shared via other platforms every day. We want to make tweets accessible to everyone, even when they leave our platform, and allow others to easily return to the full subject in the app.

Twitter claims the feature is in testing phase with a limited group of app users on iOS, but the new prompt should also reach Android users. The purpose of this little novelty that appears at the bottom of the screen is obvious — to increase user traffic on Twitter.

Screenshots rarely lead Internet users to access the social network to search for a specific topic or post, so the idea is to provide a direct connection to the platform for increase the amount of “monetizable” usersthat is, to view the advertisements and promoted content.

Other news that have just arrived on the social network is the ability to attach different types of media in a single tweet and edit a post — possibly the most awaited feature by Twitter users.

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