Mozilla Considers Extending Firefox Support in Windows 7 and 8.1

Mozilla Considers Extending Firefox Support in Windows 7 and 8.1

THE Mozilla is considering the idea of ​​extending browser support Firefox in operating systems Windows 7 and 8.1. competing browsers, like Google Chromefor example, plan to end updates to older OS in early 2023.

It is worth remembering that Microsoft plans to end extended support for Windows 7 in the first half of 2023, meaning there will be no more security updates for those who don’t want to upgrade to newer versions of the system.

However, the developers of Firefox are considering two options: end support in Q1 2023 or continue to update the browser on old Windows versions until August 2023.

The development team says dropping Firefox for Windows 7 and 8.1 in early 2023 could make their lives a little easier by eliminating the need for test automation machines on the respective operating systems.

At the same time, keeping updates longer “isn’t the end of the world”, considering Firefox still has “a lot of users on Windows 7”. According to the latest data from Statcounter, Windows 7 holds almost 10% of the PC market.

Remembering that running an unsupported browser on an unsupported version of Windows puts virtual security at risk when accessing the internet with software that no longer receives security updates.

And you, do you still use Windows 7? Tell us in the comments below!

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