Microsoft is developing a new version of Windows called “CorePC”

Microsoft is developing a new version of Windows called
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As much as Windows 11 was released a short time ago, Microsoft is already studying new versions of the operating system, including the supposed Windows 12.

Apparently, the Redmond giant is working on a new Windows that promises to be more secure and have faster updates.

Security flaws and Windows updates have always been a problem, making many users decide to look for other operating systems.

Apparently, the supposed Windows “CorePC” will be a variant and modular version of the operating system we know, allowing Microsoft to take advantage of different equipment with various levels of compatibility of resources and applications.

Photo: reproduction

With CorePC, Microsoft intends to achieve the same goals as Windows Core OS and Windows 10X, two of the projects previously canceled by the company that aimed to modernize its operating system. However, CorePC differs from previous designs in that it is state-separated, which allows for faster updates and a more secure platform. State separation divides the operating system into multiple partitions, making it easier to provide faster operating system updates and more reliable system reset functionality.

Microsoft intends to release a version of Windows that can rival Google’s ChromeOS in terms of flexibility, running on web apps and its Office suite. In addition, it is also developing a version of CorePC that has the same features and capabilities as the Windows desktop, but with state separation enabled for faster updates and improved security.

Photo: reproduction

Through this new version of the system, Microsoft also intends to challenge Apple by creating Windows that caters specifically to arm devices, improving the operating system’s performance when tied to specific hardware, such as Surface devices running arm chips.

Finally, given the success of ChatGPT and its integration into various Microsoft services such as Bing and Office, the company now also plans to include artificial intelligence capabilities in CorePC to make it more user-friendly. While not much information is available about these features, reports suggest that Windows may be able to analyze screen content and provide appropriate contextual cues.

So, will this version really be released?

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