Microsoft Edge 109 launches with predictive text and security improvements

Microsoft Edge 109 launches with predictive text and security improvements

Microsoft Edge received on Thursday (12) an update to version 109.0.1518.49, bringing new productivity features to its home and corporate users. Available to everyone, the most recent compilation of the second most used browser in the world brings discreet news, but important for the user experience.

In principle, the predictive text feature is finally coming to the stable version of the browser. Previously limited to Dev and Canary users, this tool attempts to predict words and phrases for long-form editable text fields on web pages.

(Image: Playback)

For now, the Predictive text is only available in English in the United States, India, and Australiabut the developer claims that more regions will be covered soon.

Another change is the ability to connect your personal Microsoft account to your Azure Active Directory account. By linking profiles, users will be able to earn Rewards points on Bing searches or the Windows search box itself while logged into their work or school account.

As of Edge 110, TLS certificates — which guarantee the use of the HTTPS protocol for websites — will be verified through a list integrated into the browser itself, and not stored in the operating system. Edge 109 allows developers to test the certificate checker with the shipped list before the next version is released.

Microsoft also made two security fixes for holes identified as “CVE-2023-21775” and “CVE-2023-21796”, which were not detailed by big tech.

Edge 109 is the latest browser version compatible with Windows 7 and 8.1. The recommendation is that users of these editions of the operating system upgrade to Windows 10 or Windows 11, since security vulnerabilities and navigation bugs will no longer be corrected by the company.

Do you use Microsoft Edge? How is your experience? Comment!

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