How to detect a fake account on Instagram

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Every day sprout innumerable fake accounts on instagram. From those that try to impersonate other users using similar names to those that pose as celebrities or those that are generated as bots.

Carefully analyzing the details of the bio and the publications of an Instagram account can help distinguish if it is true or fake

Many of them are blocked by the platform itself, others when a complaint is made by other users, but sometimes it is not easy to detect whether certain accounts are false or not. However, with the following tips they can help to detect them.

-Very similar name to another real user (usually someone popular).

-Bio copied from a real one, containing some inconsistencies, such as a link to a website that is not the official website of the brand or celebrity.

-Profusion of emojis or hashtags in the bio.

-Sending spam through direct messages redirecting to a web page or requesting personal information.

-Adult content offerscryptocurrencies, money loans or similar.

-Publications of random or meaningless comments, especially when replying.

– Offer amounts of money for helping to promote products and/or services.

-Follow a disproportionately large number of counts. To assume an appearance of legitimacy, they need to show a large number of followers and for this the “follow back” or “follow for follow” method is usually used, consisting of following many users hoping that they, in turn, also follow the fake profile.

-Very few publicationsas a sign that it is not an active profile, so it will also lack interaction with other users, denoting that behind it there is no real user who maintains authentic relationships with followers.

If some of these characteristics are detected in an Instagram account, it is more than likely that it is a fake account and it is best to block that user on Instagram, clicking on the user’s profile and selecting from the menu with the three Dots in the upper right corner the option «Block».

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.