Google Photos makes it easier to find those old photos

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If you have thousands of photos and videos in your Google Photos library, you know it can be hard to find a photo that’s several years old.

Although the Google Photos search engine is powerful, and allows us to use filters to find almost any content, a new dynamic will be added that will facilitate this task.

New Google Photos dynamic for “more complex searches”

To search for any photo or video from the Google Photos web version, you just have to use the search engine and type a keyword or phrase. And if you are in the app, you have a little more help, since it gives you some suggestions taking into account different content.

And to make your task easier, it also takes your activity into account, so you can filter the search among your favorites or what you’ve recently added. So maybe with a few tries you will find the photo you are looking for in your library.

But the Google team wants to make this task even easier when you do it from the web version of Photos, with a “more powerful search”, as they mention in 9to5Google. The idea is that users use natural language for their search with phrases that describe the photo they are looking for in their library.

And if you are using any filters, or have tagged people in the photos, you can combine them with your search phrase. For example, “Sofía and Laura in Paris” or “Sunset on the beach with Bruno and Tania”. Or you can try fuller, more complex phrases to have Google Photos further filter photos that may match your search.

A dynamic that can be useful when we have thousands of photos in our Google Photos library, and we don’t know in which date range to search, or in which album we have saved a certain photo. Although it may return several photos as a result of our search, it will be much easier for us than manually searching for the photo in the library.

Apparently, this new “powerful search” dynamic is part of the tests carried out by the Google team to improve the user experience when saving and managing their photos from Photos.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.