Google Maps has new options to share the location in real time

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Google Maps is adding a new dynamic to the “Share location” function that will be useful for our family and friends.

In addition to seeing our location in real time, they will also be able to receive frequent notifications and reminders. We tell you what this novelty is about.

Google Maps will add notifications to the function to share location

One of the functions offered by Google Maps is the one that allows us to share location in real time. It’s a simple dynamic, which we can activate in a few steps, and which now gets even better with the new Maps update.

As the Google team mentions, when the “Share location” function is activated, it will also be possible to configure a series of notifications so that we are notified on the mobile when the other person has arrived or left certain places.

Let’s say you’re headed to a concert with a group of friends. If they’ve already chosen to share their location with you, you can set up a notification for the concert venue’s address so you can see when they’ve arrived and meet up quickly. You can also set a notification to see when they have left the place, in case they get separated.

A dynamic that can have multiple applications, since when we usually share a location, we not only do it to facilitate the meeting with the other person, but also as a security tool.

So with this notification system, Google Maps could alert our relatives, for example, when we have reached our destination on our trip. Or the other way around, I could notify them when we leave a place.

Of course, this dynamic can only be implemented by our contacts, family or friends with whom we have previously activated the “Share location” function. A function that we can activate and deactivate at any time, either with all the users involved or only with some of them. So no one without our consent will be able to know when we arrive or leave a place.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.