Google is working on a function that lets you disable all Chrome extensions with one click

Google is working on a function that lets you disable all Chrome extensions with one click

Google Chrome is the most used desktop browser in the world because it offers users several native features that improve the user experience without downloading plugins. Although complete, the browser includes a library with several extensions that can be applied by adding new features to the program.

Most of these tools can be downloaded for free through the Chrome Web Store platform, which in addition to extensions also includes wallpapers and themes. According to information from the Android Police portal, the browser has quietly received a new menu that allows you to disable all extensions in use with a single click.

This novelty is part of the company’s efforts to increase control over third-party plugins that were added to the program, increasing security during use. The novelty is especially useful for those who tend to make a lot of payments via internet banking and want to prevent extensions from registering login and access data.

Interestingly, the function released by Google is similar to what we find in Microsoft Edge in that it is possible to just temporarily pause the tool’s operation on a given website instead of disabling it. Although a user has found this function in Chrome, for now we do not know if it has been released to everyone.

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