Google expands Material You theme and launches new features in Photos app

Google expands Material You theme and launches new features in Photos app

Material You was launched by Google in Android 12 and improved in the later version, being implemented in more native applications of the operating system. One of the first apps to receive the dynamic theme was Fotos, the big tech cloud media storage platform, which recently received improvements in customization.

According to information from the Android Police portal, the application received a new feature related to shared use with partners, a function in which two people can share access to the image library. Apparently, the way to invite another person has been changed to make it easier to invite.

Additionally, the company appears to have taken aim at privacy, allowing the library owner to restrict guest access to all photos and videos stored in the cloud. The novelty allows you to share all content or just photographs that contain certain faces of people, including the guest and friends, for example.

Screenshots also reveal the possibility of limiting access by date, with this the partner will not be able to see images and videos recorded on dates prior to what was configured by the owner. Interestingly, all steps for configuring these features have been supported for Material You displaying home screen wallpaper colors.

Material You on Google Photos. (Image: Playback).

There is no information about the availability of this feature, but considering the language it is possible that it has only arrived for users in the United States. Google does not usually disclose details about the update schedule of its main applications, so it remains to be seen if the novelty will arrive in Europe.

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