Fair Serasa Limpa Nome starts with 267 participating companies and payments via Pix

Fair Serasa Limpa Nome starts with 267 participating companies and payments via Pix

The Serasa Cleans Nome Fair started this Tuesday (1) with 267 participating companies, such as banks, telephony, retail, universities and other segments. The novelty of this edition is the possibility of payments via Pix.

According to the Serasa, whoever chooses Pix to solve their pending issues will have reduction of the negative in up to 24 hours and the discounts that can reach 99% of the value of the debts. Trading will be available until December 5.

O event offers more than 200 million offers with discounts in overdue or negative debts that can be negotiated in up to three minutes. Delinquency increased in the country, reaching the mark of 68.39 million people with a negative name in September.

“The numerous innovations in favor of the population, the record number of partners and offers and the proximity of the 13th salary will help Europeians to pay off debts and start the new year with a clean name and credit in the market”, said the manager of Serasa, Aline Maciel.

How to negotiate debts

Interested parties looking to renegotiate their debts at the Serasa Limpa Nome Fair can access Serasa’s official channels to do so:

  • Website: http://www.serasalimpanome.com.br
  • Serasa App on Google Play and App Store
  • Toll free 0800 591 1222
  • WhatsApp 11 99575–2096

It is also possible to consult and negotiate debts in person at more than 6,000 post offices throughout the country that offer the same conditions, however, a fee of R$ 3.60 must be paid.

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