exclusive! Supplier affirms discarding of the expected Pro button of the iPhone 15

iphone 15 pro biseles curvos mas delgados.webp.jpeg
iphone 15 pro biseles curvos mas delgados.webp.jpeg

There are already enough rumors that affirm and rule out everything that will happen with the iPhone 15 Pro and especially about the new type of volume and power button. However, everything seems to indicate finally, and so few weeks after the announcement, that it was strictly ruled out for this model.

The rumors also indicated some other issues, such as that the button would be particularly added to the Pro version of the iPhone 15 this year and that it would be a totally solid state one without any movement. All it would have is different vibrations, resembling a click like trackpads do on Mac laptops.

Despite this, a recent memo published by the supply chain partner who was responsible for building the vibratory materials reported that the rumors about the cancellation of the buttons were true. So it could be that there will only be regular buttons.

That was it for Action Buttons on iPhone 15

For its part, Cirrus Logic was the company in charge of creating the taptic engines that would represent the clicks once you pressed the button. At the time there were different rumors that also circulated around this topic. However, recent reports of investors indicated that the plans were finally cancelled, as as MacRumors discovered.

The note indicated that at the time there were several options from the provider. But despite these being good options, it appears that none of the ideas ever materialized to be added to the fall product, completely negating the market launch for the button. Also He goes on to say that there isn’t much information about “our client’s” future plans for this product. He even points out that revenue related to the internal model component is no longer retained.

For its part, the HPMS that was commented on in the note refers to the processors that would be used for the Taptic Engine. In addition, it can be intuited that if Cirrus Logic is ending the agreement for the iPhone 15 Pro models. This possibly means that the usual clicky buttons will continue as before.

Finally, it must be recognized that the rumored cancellation of solid-state buttons is not something new either. However, this time seems to be the closest to the last confirmation before its announcement and subsequent release.