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Emerge 22 – The podcast talks



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From July 7 to 10, Emerge 22 took place, our online event dedicated to reflecting and discussing video games. If you do not know what the thing is about, steps here to clear up any doubts.

Until the end of last week, the different talks could be seen deferred on our Twitch channel, but due to the policies of the streaming portal, they only last 15 days, so for those who did not enjoy them in their day, we will post them here in podcast format.

More than music for elevators

Are you taking advantage of the use of music in games or are we simply emulating what is already known? Is it possible to achieve something more than in other media? We will talk about whether there are uses of music in the video game that do not exist in other places, such as the cinema, and how far we could go.

Participants: David Canela, Ana Mª Gutiérrez, Sara López and Javi Belze.
Moderator: Daniel Urena.

The wind that took Buzz

In our first cinema table we will talk about censorship at different levels, both the ridiculous one and, for example, the one that has been requested from certain sectors for Lightyear as well as the one that is requested from films from decades ago and that some streaming services have censored such as Gone with the Wind.

Participants: Alberto Corona, Nat Morillo, Xavi Bravo and Sergio Martínez.

Moderator: Daniel Urena

To be continue.

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