Apple Watch banned in the US? President Biden must intervene

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1676805048 apple watch ultra 3up hero 220907.jpg.landing big 2x.jpg

Apple hopes that this issue will not continue with this situation, hoping that the Apple Watch will not be totally banned in the United States during the next few days. Of course, the Biden administration has the cancellation in its power.

Apparently this ban has Apple itself as its main point. This after the United States International Trade Commission (ITC) concluded in December that the Apple Watch infringes patents. AliverCor is a medical device company, specifically electrocardiogram technology is the one that interferes with these patents on Apple Watches.

In the event that the ban continues soon, they will be totally blocked for sale in that country, such as the Apple Watch Series 8. However, the team in charge of the president has in its hands the possibility of stopping the process.

Patents against the Apple Watch

This patent tells something very special about the iPhone, such as the ability to perform ECGs for heart problems. Indeed, this would not be a real reason to ban the Apple device nationwide. The real conflict is the probable pressure that is happening around the Apple case.

AliveCor CEO Priya Abani spoke with the middle the hill indicating that Apple has “unlimited resources”, explaining that they are acquiring such resources in a general way compared to the company saying “we are only a startup”.

For his part, the company has also already taken administrative action to prevent the Apple Watch from being pulled from the shelves.

At the moment, President Biden should clarify the situation today before Monday for the ITC, leaving them a chance to challenge in court. Although there is also the possibility of completely withdrawing the product, leaving the company completely out.

AliveCor too explained to The Hill that this changed the positive relationship with the Cupertino company. Well, the ECG feature implemented since 2018 on Apple devices closed the way for AliveCor to design its own device.

This company points out that Apple “cuts us in advance, steals our technology, uses the power of its platform to scale it” leaving aside other media to thrive on new technologies. It only remains to wait to see the final decision of the president of the United States.