An affordable 3D scanner for large objects


Revopoint 3D, the company launched in 2014 to create 3D scanning products that make it accessible to more people, both in price and ease of use, is back with a new Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign.

Having already released a number of small, easy-to-carry and use 3D scanner models through various successful crowdfunding campaigns, it is now trying to follow suit with its first affordable large-object scanner in the world.

New from Revopoint now on Kickstarter

This is Revopoint RANGE, which he points out that it has a unique capture range of up to 36 cm x 65 cm at 60 cm, with a new and powerful infrared light projector that increases its scanning distance to 80 cm with a great level of detail.

With this device, users will be able to scan larger objects, even people, while maintaining real proportions, so one of the rewards that is no longer available included a turntable.

Users will carry out their 3D scans by connecting Revopoint RANGE to their own mobile or tablet with the complementary application installed, through which the data will be collected to later generate the 3D object file.

Amazing results

It is interesting to know that in addition to the details, the 3D scan also collects the different color tones with great precision.

The resulting file can be exported in the file format they choose from among the available options for later use with other applications, or directly print a full-scale replica of the scanned object, or reduced if it is based on a large object, through of a conventional 3D printer with a high level of detail.

Note that the Revopoint RANGE support itself includes a space to adjust the mobile for greater ease of use when scanning objects, although you can also have your mobile device or tablet close at hand when scanning objects.

In the campaign still open on Kickstarter, the company shows a series of examples of scans carried out by users who tested the device, there is also abundant reference material on YouTube, even in Spanish, on the use of this device.

All the details are available on the campaign website.

Link/Image Credit: Revopoint RANGE on Kickstarter

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.