A code editor that uses AI to help programmers


Imagine a code editor to which we ask something like “an algorithm that orders a list of numbers from highest to lowest”, and that generates the appropriate function in the language we want.

That has been possible for a long time, but they are becoming more sophisticated, and today I met one that really attracts attention.

It’s about Ghostwriter, a name already used by a text editor for novelists, but now available at replit.com/site/ghostwriter for programmers.

With Ghostwrite we can do exactly what I mentioned before, use a search field to obtain automatically generated code, although we already know that it is one thing to program a function and quite another to program an app or a game.

artificial intelligence programming

Replit Ghostwriter is a programming tool that offers four functions: complete, generate, transform and explain code. Ghostwriter can help you code faster and be more creative, and it’s used right in the browser, there’s nothing to install, so it works on Windows, Mac, or Linux.

Ghostwriter returns results generated from large language models trained on publicly available code and tuned by Replit. To make suggestions and explain your code, Ghostwriter considers what you write and checks the context based on the programming language you’re using.

Ghostwriter works best with JavaScript and Python code, but it supports 16 languages ​​in total. The current list includes: Bash, C, C#, C++, CSS, Go, Java, JavaScript, HTML, PHP, Perl, Python, R, Ruby, Rust, and SQL. Efficacy may vary by language.

It’s not a free tool, but its cost of $10 per month can be insignificant if it really helps save programmers hours.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.