Does your iPhone charge badly? So you can safely clean the Lightning port

Does your iPhone charge badly?  So you can safely clean the Lightning port
does your iphone charge badly? so you can safely clean

Does your iPhone charge badly?  So you can safely clean the Lightning port

It may be that when connecting the cable to charge a iPhone, you discover that the terminal does not do its job as it should. This is sure to have been quite a big scare for you, since you may think that the smartphone is broken. The truth is that what we are talking about happens on many occasions because the port is dirty. And, this, you can solve it without problems -but with enough care-.

On many occasions, with a small blow next to the charging port, it is enough for the dust or lint that is affecting the correct functioning of the iPhone to be eliminated. And, in this way, everything returns to normal. But it may be that this is not enough and, therefore, it is necessary to resort to more specific options. These, if executed calmly and accurately, will not affect the stability of the mobile phone. Also, doing this from time to time is a good option when it comes to prevention.

How to clean the iPhone charging port

Now that it is summer and the terminal is in use for a long time and in places where dirt or sand is present, it is not a bad idea to clean the charging port as a maintenance so that the battery refilling process never fails.

First of all, it is important to take several steps so that the risk is minimal. Thus, for example, it is essential that turn off the iPhone so that there is no risk in the operation of the terminal. then a eye check it is basic to see where the problem is concretely and not to go blind (do not rule out the use of a magnifying glass to find the pin or fluff that is bothering you).

Lightning connection of an iPhone

Various options to get rid of dirt

The ideal is the use of a pot of compressed air, since it is the least aggressive option of all. These include a small tube through which the content comes out and it is the one that you have to insert into the charging port. Once this is done, press several times in a short -but firm- way. Be sure to check that there is space for both air and dirt to escape.

By the way, if you see some liquid coming out, don’t worry. This is because the content is very cold and can change state on the way out if it is hot. The point is that everything will evaporate almost automatically and does not affect the phone.

In the case of not having compressed air, you can resort to somewhat less sophisticated options, such as a toothpick or tweezers. It is important to use a rolled paper at the end of these tools to avoid problems with the tips when inserting them into the iPhone charging port. The cleaning movements must be slow so that the drag is complete and you can remove the dirt without problems.

If everything we have indicated does not work, we are very afraid that in the end you will have to take the Apple phone to the technical support so that the problem is solved, which, surely, is not due to the dirtiness of the terminal connection.


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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.