2 million a year for your body to regress to age 18

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A 45-year-old man pays $2 million every year to constantly rejuvenate his body so that he still looks 18 years old.

The details are indicated on bloomberg.com, where we can read how this good man puts in an effort similar to a full-time job to achieve his goal.

Bryan Johnson is a 45-year-old software entrepreneur, and he’s spending $2 million a year to reverse the aging process in all of his organs. Johnson has a team of 30 doctors and health experts who oversee him, led by a 29-year-old regenerative medicine doctor.

Aging can be reversed

The project, called Project Blueprint, involves strict guidelines for diet, exercise and sleep, as well as monthly medical procedures to track results. Johnson is trying to achieve the body of an 18-year-old through his experiments, which include blood tests, MRIs, ultrasounds and colonoscopies. The program has reportedly begun to show positive results, with Johnson’s body becoming medically younger, according to the team.

Johnson is 5-6% body fat, with a 37-year-old heart, 28-year-old skin, and 18-year-old lung capacity.

Zolman says his work is just beginning and he has hundreds of procedures to explore, including gene therapies. Johnson believes that healthy living can be achieved through the use of technology and wants to show that self-harm and impairment are not inevitable. He created a biotech-focused venture company called OS Fund and a company called Kernel, which makes headsets to analyze brain activity.

Johnson’s lifestyle includes a strict diet, supplements and stem cell inhalation.

Zolman, who finished medical school with honors in 2019, is focused on finding drugs and therapies to help people live longer.

Johnson is like a guinea pig funding the lab to run the experiments on himself, hopefully the results will benefit us all.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.