Last week WhatsApp announced a series of imminent news, among which was the protection against screenshots of ephemeral photos, those that can only be opened once by their recipient, but without many details about how it would work. Now we have some more information about its operation from WaBetaInfo.
WaBetaInfo has managed to unofficially activate the feature and extract some extra details on how WhatsApp will protect ephemeral photos, in its WhatsApp for Android beta. There is an important detail: it will not warn that you have tried to take the screenshot. She just won’t let you do it.
WhatsApp doesn’t sneak
Mark Zuckerberg himself told us that WhatsApp is testing block screenshots in photos and videos that can only be viewed once, and that would be available “coming soon”. In the announcement we could see the message that is displayed when trying to take a screenshot: “The screenshot was blocked to improve privacy.” Otherwise, we don’t know much more about it.
Now we have from WaBetaInfo a screenshot with the explanatory message that appears in these photos that can only be seen once. Today, the window reminds us that people will be able to take screenshots, while the new text informs us that “you cannot share, forward, copy, record or take screenshots”.
That is, when someone sends you a photo that can only be viewed once, you can show it on your mobile and see it, but you won’t be able to do anything with it as there will be no option to save it and you won’t be able to take a screenshot either. By doing so, you will receive a “Screenshot was blocked” notice.
Of course, WhatsApp is not a sneak. According to WaBetaInfo, won’t tell the other person that you tried to take a screenshot, but will simply stop you from doing so. This will probably save you a few scares.
Via | WaBetaInfo