WhatsApp already allows you to use the new way to see if there are news in the states
Despite the fact that they were not widely used at first, the commitment to WhatsApp States has not stopped on the part of the company. And, this, has achieved that right now they are a differential element and that more and more users use them. Well, for some time it has been known that the application was working on modifying the way of knowing if there are news, and the moment of activation has arrived. As published, this change has begun to be activated so that users do not have to access the States tab to be able to access those they have published and are unseeable in the contacts we have on WhatsApp. Of course, for the moment this has occurred in the trial version of iOS, so we are talking about a limited release. But, logically, it is to be expected that in days at most this will also be available in the Android version as well as in the desktop version. This is what the news looks like now in the WhatsApp states Well, quite different from the previous one, in which you could see a point in the States tab to know that there were news. This was inefficient, since you didn’t know accounts or who had new options to view… so there was a surprise effect that wasn’t to the liking of many (for example, I don’t like it at all). The company was aware of this, and has worked to change the situation and, at the same time, makes this type of content more present on the initial screen of the application: In other words, it kills two birds with one stone. Now, in the list of contacts that you see in the WhatsApp interface, you will see a blue circle that will indicate that this contact has news in the States. Therefore, it gains in presence and comfort for users. Of course, if someone has activated not displaying this type of content, the notification we are talking about will not appear. Without a doubt, this is much better… but, obviously, this will sound a lot to many. That’s right. An inherited way of working… and that is not new Well, if you take into account that to view what a contact has shared as a Status, what you will have to do is click on the icon that represents your account, it is quite clear that the operation it is very similar to what currently exists for Instagram Stories. Therefore, what WhatsApp has done is to import what already works into its user interface. And the truth is that this is quite positive. The fact is that if you have the trial version for iOS you can already try the new way of knowing if there are new Statuses from your contacts. In the event that you have Android, this will arrive shortly and, if everything goes as it should, in less than a month, this useful function will possibly be for everyone in the stable version of WhatsApp. >