Two hundred million euros raised, Niel and Arnault among the investors H is the new French AI nugget

two hundred million euros raised, niel and arnault among the investors h is the new french ai nugget
two hundred million euros raised, niel and arnault among the investors h is the new french ai nugget

The artificial intelligence models created by H “will be able to reason, plan and collaborate” assures Bpifrance

What if Mistral AI predicted the storm? While the start-up co-founded by Arthur Mensch will be one of the most anticipated guests at Vivatech , which opens in Paris this weekend, a new young French artificial intelligence (AI) start-up is making waves.

Called H, it was launched on Tuesday May 21 and raised 220 million dollars (or 202.7 million euros) from large investors including Bernard Arnault, Xavier Niel and Amazon, announced Bpifrance , which is also financing it.

Twenty-five engineers and researchers

Other participants in the round include former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, the Accel fund, Samsung and Russian-born Israeli entrepreneur Yuri Milner.

At the head of H, we find Charles Kantor, a former student at the American University of Stanford, who displays his ambitions in the Bpifrance press release: “to advance the productivity of billions of people”.

“The team of 25 artificial intelligence (AI) engineers and researchers is on a mission to introduce the power of generative AI (GenAI) to businesses around the world through a new generation of multimodal action-focused models. , for his part highlighted the institution. These action foundation models will know how to reason, plan and collaborate, thus revolutionizing entire sectors and making AGI (artificial general intelligence, whose capabilities approach or surpass those of humans) soon a reality. »

On the social network

Before meeting French artificial intelligence talents gathered at the Élysée, some good news: investors are choosing France to launch company H, bring together world-renowned scientists, and invest $220 million!

In mid-March, a specialized committee estimated that France needed to invest 5 billion euros per year over five years in AI if it wanted to be on par with the United States and China .

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