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This is NOERDEN LIZ, the smart bottle that sterilizes with UV

Imagine a bottle of water that indicates the temperature inside, that warns when we haven’t drunk for 2 hours and that is capable of sterilizing the interior using ultraviolet light.

That is what NOERDEN offers with the LIZ bottle, and I have had the opportunity to try it.

As you can see in the video, it is a bottle with a steel body that has a smart cap. This buffer can be loaded, and it lasts 1 month without needing to be loaded again.

These are the functions it offers:

– By pressing the cap once, it shows the water temperature with a color code. If it is more than 60 degrees, it appears red, less than 35 it appears blue, and orange for in-between.
– If you press twice, the flashing white light appears, indicating that the sterilization process has begun. This process can take several minutes. If the bottle is opened during the process, the UV light automatically turns off to prevent skin or eye exposure.
– Every two hours a light is shown to indicate that it is time to drink a little, keeping us always hydrated (something essential in this hot weather).

They make it clear in the manual that UV does not transform non-drinking water into drinking water, so it must be clear that the liquid inside must be ready to be drunk. The UV light only kills the possible bacteria that are there, but it does not change the chemical composition or eliminate dangerous elements. It could be a good option for drinking river water, for example, or for use in gyms, where there tend to be more bacteria than elsewhere.

The bottle is sold in 480 and 350 ml, although the price is similar, 48 euros in the first case and 47 in the second. Other colors besides black are also available on their website, such as white, blue and pink.

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