These are the best films of each country according to the data of this portal
If you are a person who likes the world of cinema and television, probably after seeing a film or a series, you usually do some research about it and what is the opinion and rating that it has been given. critics and specialized websites on this topic.
In fact, there is certain information and statistics that allow for digital rankings where you can see which are the most successful movies or series in each specific country, thing that can be seen from the Rave Reviews portalwhere they have presented some very interesting data.
To cut a long story short, the Rave Reviews website has compiled data on movies made all over the planet via the renowned IMDb database. This information has enabled them to basically create a world map and put in each country the one that is their best ranked film.
By the website’s own words regarding his process of carrying out the selection of the filmsindicate that:
We identify movies produced in each country using IMDb country codes and then select the highest rated title from the top 50 movies rated by the most users. Only feature films were included. For countries where there were no rated titles produced in that country, a film set in that country was chosen using the same criteria: highest rated feature film out of 50 with the most ratings awarded.
This turns out to be quite interesting, and as you can see in the illustrations shown on the Rave Reviews page, all countries have a line that goes from inside to outside, which is where the name of their best ranked movie appears. , your score from 1 to 10 and a small drawing or icon that somehow represents the theme of the film.
Anyway, if you want to learn a little about world film culture and get to know new titles of the highest international quality, you can go to the official Rave Reviews article and there see closely the rest of the content.