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The most original content creators on Instagram

Being a content creator, and getting to live life as an influencer, is not an easy task. Millions of people around the world fight for the same thing, to the point that many children innocently say they want to be “influencers” when they grow up.

Creating original content, which attracts thousands or millions of people and generates high income, is extremely difficult, but it also requires an important factor of luck, since being viral depends largely on unknown algorithms.

The fact is that Meta wants to help us find inspiration with a website where they show the most original content creators, the “creators of tomorrow”.

Available at, it showcases the talent of users in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, people who will be working with Meta over the next year to help them grow their audience and turn their passions into careers.

Meta promises to include more creators in the coming months, people from all over the world who can appear on the web and stand out with the hashtag #CreatorsOfTomorrow.

The selection of users has been based on the video format and the content:

[…] video formats, technology and interactive entertainment: creative qualities that we believe will be integral to the evolution of the metaverse.

They include game creators like RossiHD from the UK, AR pros like Mohammed Sultan from the United Arab Emirates, or body positivity influencers like Tania Make up Plus from France.

In the presentation Meta has mentioned the metaverse on several occasions, indicating that these profiles are what will make possible that parallel digital universe that, supposedly, will conquer us in a few years.

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