Today, TechSmart presents a Map interactive where any Internet user can meet the most important people in their city, country or anywhere in the world.
It’s always easier to absorb new information when you can interact with it. That is why at TechSmart we do not blame anyone if they do not know information about historical or current figures in their city, country or region, such as their exact location or date of birth. Fortunately, with this interactive map, you can start covering these general knowledge topics in a much more enjoyable way.
Using information from verified sources, the user of Twitter Tjukanov developed an interactive globe that shows the most influential people born in certain regions. To do this, it took tools from the Mapbox platform, as well as information from a study published by Nature.
How does it work? Just have to enter this link and subsequently travel to any city in the world with the mouse.
The bigger and brighter a name is, the more important that area is. If this is touched, the user will be able to see their location on a global scale, their gender and if they are still alive.
How does the map know which are the most important characters in a city?
To create this map, Tjukanov used information from a recent study published in the journal Nature. Here, the magazine tried to calculate the importance of certain numbers based on some basic rules.
– The first refers to word count in bio. If there is no biography on Wikipedia and only one entry on Wikidata, these people will be considered “no”.
– It is also taken into account the number of editions available on Wikipedia per character.
– The biographical visit is also an important factor to consider. To do this, the researchers recorded the average number of visits to certain profiles between 2015 and 2018. Likewise, all the publications were available to the children and the aforementioned number is taken into account, regardless of the language in which it is found. In the absence of a biography, the entry will be counted as “no”.
– Other sources, references and relevant information are considered when locate notable figures on the list.
– The more notable a number is, the more documented it is. This is the logic by which researchers filter the number of non-missing entries taken from Wikipedia or Wikidata. These include your date of birth, gender, and sphere of influence.
Nature’s research takes into account the gender gap on Wikipedia, of course, as well as the possibility of unverified information and bias on the Anglo-Saxon content.
Other variables also come into play, such as the economic, urban and cultural development. Fortunately, by collating different sources, it is possible to collate the data.
Who is included in this map
If any reader thinks the list includes men who died centuries ago, don’t worry. Not only can you see the birthplaces of historical figures; the map also includes celebrities of all kinds.
In fact, on the map, you can filter the type of celebrity you want to see. The user can choose people who represent cultural positions, such as actors and actresses, singers and other types of artists.
In total, you can find four different categories. The final three awards went to “Discovery and Science”, “Leadership” and “Sports and Games”. You just have to choose the one that is to your liking and then start traveling the world.