
Some scientists are working on a much more serious project than it seems: robots that laugh

Do they tell you a joke at the bar counter? You laugh. Are you on the bus and remember a funny anecdote? You laugh. ...

France had been looking for undeclared private pools for years. Until she stumbled upon artificial intelligence

In France, the authorities have used artificial intelligence software to discover thousands of private pools that...

Some are combining StableDiffusion AI with Photoshop. the result is great

Artificial intelligence (AI) programs that allow us to generate images from textual descriptions they are becoming...

Robotics: An Overview

Introduction: Robotics is a broad area that mixes computer science and engineering. It focuses on designing, building, operating, and...

Why program an app when you can draw it: this is how Microsoft’s new “No-Code” AI works

Yesterday the Microsoft Build 2022 event aimed at developers began, and among the novelties there was a particularly curious one: a new...

DALLE-2 has been surpassed: this is IMAGE, Google’s new AI to create ultra-realistic images

DALL-E 2 has been the most striking in the field of artificial intelligence in recent months. But Google has not said...

NVIDIA Maxine Tested: You Can Finally Look Into The Eyes When Video Conferencing (Without Actually Doing It)

Years ago a friend told me "I don't trust people who don't look me in the eye when I speak". With...

The first large autonomous ship already travels 500 miles without human help. It’s just the beginning

There is a lot of talk about autonomous cars, but the truth is that this technology is giving much better news at...