MobileTech News

Spain is one of the objectives of BRATA. How to avoid this dangerous malware on your phone?

With the arrival of summer, malicious attacks increase exponentially. and malware BRATA is becoming an increasingly serious threat in Spain. We have already told you about this virus capable of erasing all the data on your Android phone, and now it has evolved to become more dangerous than ever.

According to the latest report published by Cleafy, an Italian mobile security company, BRATA, which refers to the acronym Brazilian Remote Access Tool Android, it has become an advanced persistent threat (ATP) in countries such as Italy, the United Kingdom or Spain, so the risk is high.

In case you did not know, we are talking about a banking Trojan that has improved the malware used to improve its ability to steal information. Until now, BRATA was capable of stealing any password and erasing the information on the phone. And now it has become more difficult to detect.

Beware of BRATA, the malware that wants to infect your mobile this summer

BRATA simulating the access website of an Italian bank

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BRATA simulating the access website of an Italian bank Cleafy

Cleafy has been tracking BRATA activity by appreciating changes to your code. This malware now works with new phishing techniques, improved systems to obtain additional permissions on the infected device, in addition to managing to eliminate different security systems.

Thanks to that, BRATA has it a little easier to infect you. The problem is that, in addition, now it is focused on a single bank and will only move to another when its attacks stop working.

In this way, BRATA currently is able to mimic the login of the target bank. In addition, through another malicious app, it is also capable of sending and receiving SMS in order to steal temporary codes used as authentication systems by any bank.

infected tablets

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infected tablets rawpixel

For it, the second malicious app intercepts any short text messages so that the user does not see them, but it reaches the BRATA servers. Once your device has been infected, BRATA also manages to monitor the registry of the keys to know your username and password, with the aim of stealing your banking credentials and being able to empty your account. Options are not lacking for this dangerous malware.

How to know if my mobile is infected by BRATA

As we have told you, We are talking about extremely dangerous malware and you should check if your phone is infected. More, if you live in Spain, Italy or the United Kingdom. Keep in mind that the app to intercept incoming SMS asks for user permissions to be used as the default messaging application, in addition to requesting access to contacts.

So, if you use an external app for the messaging service, you better uninstall it. And review all the permissions that you have given to the installed applications, to eliminate any application that does not sound like you. Finally, we recommend that you have a good antivirus installed on your Android phone.


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