
EU vows to crack down on greenwashing with new rules for labels

Naturally sourced. Earth friendly. 100% organic. Cruelty free. Bio.These are some examples of the 230 environmental labels that can today be found stamped on products and services sold across the...

Overworked, underpaid and quitting: Europe’s health workers slam ’empty’ post-pandemic promises

There was no shortage of public appreciation for hospital workers during the pandemic, across the world people stood...

Sweden’s centre-right party asked to form government which may include far-right

Sweden's Moderate Party was given the go-ahead to try and form a new government, despite coming third in...

What is the legacy of outgoing Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi?

Italians are fairly satisfied with the way Mario Draghi, the country's outgoing technocratic prime minister, navigated the COVID-19...

Greek organisation Corallia helps small businesses grow

In this episode of Smart Regions, we met the people behind Corallia, a unit of the Athena research...

MEPs vote to reform the EU’s emissions trading system and impose a carbon tax

The European Parliament has voted in favour of three key climate laws, barely two weeks after the same legislative files caused scenes of chaos...

Watch: Is Ukraine to join the EU and how long could it take?

Ukraine is on the cusp of becoming an official candidate to join the European Union. The long-awaited breakthrough comes after the European Commission endorsed Kyiv's...

Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia could snub EU integration summit

The presence of Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia at a Brussels summit tomorrow on integration with the EU is in doubt. It comes amid frustration in...

How is the war in Ukraine affecting the cost of living crisis?

The war in Ukraine is fuelling a cost of living crisis. On Tuesday, Eurostat said 12-month inflation in the Eurozone stood at 8.1 per cent...

EU ‘not seeking political victory’ in Northern Ireland Brexit dispute, says top negotiator Sefcovic

The European Union remains committed to a prosperous relationship with the United Kingdom, despite the deepening crisis over Britain's plans to unilaterally rewrite the...

New life, new school: France welcomes Ukraine’s refugee children

There were 7.5 million children in Ukraine before Russia launched its invasion of the country on February 24th. Since then, around two million have...