Whatsapp allows us to send messages to anyone just by knowing their phone number, at which point we can decide if we want to add the contact so that the messages have the sender’s name and surname.
This step can be done in reverse, at any time we can also delete whatsapp contactsomething we can do for several reasons:
– Serious discussion and I wish not to receive identified messages from that person again.
– Willingness to leave distribution lists.
– User error, which accidentally deleted the contact.
– Contacts migration problem when changing mobile.
Be that as it may, on several occasions we may want to know if someone has us in their contact list or not, and for this there is a trick that I explain in a one and a half minute video:
As you can see, the trick is based on a feature of the distribution lists: If we send a message to a list with several contacts, the message will only be sent to those people who have us on their WhatsApp.
This is done for prevent spam. A distribution list is designed so that we can send the same message to several people at the same time, it is not like a group, since the recipients do not know the rest of the users who received the message, nor can they respond to it as a group.
To avoid such spam, we cannot send a message in the form of a distribution list to someone who does not have us in their contact list, so in the message information, as I show in the video, it will not be seen as a recipient someone who doesn’t know us (digitally speaking).
It is a simple trick that will continue to work as long as the WhatsApp distribution lists maintain the same mechanics, although everything indicates that it will continue to be so for a long time.